Thursday, April 12, 2007

Emile Durkhiem on Schools

Here is what he has to say about education ......

In complex industrial societies , the school serves a function which cannot be provided by either the family of the peer group. Membership of the family is based on the kinship ties , and membership of the peer group on personal choice. Membership of the society as a whole is based on neither of these principles . Individuals must learn to co operate with those who are neither their kin nor their friends . The school provides a context where these skills can be acquired .

Very true i feel .


Alex said...


But do the existing schools do that? Isn't it a rat race for more and more marks? I wonder.

PurpleDreams said...

It is a rat race ....i feel the entire structure of education should be changed for it to be more effective . But at the same time , one has to adapt the best to the system , esp if you cant change it . And we learn from all experiences , even bad ones .....