Friday, April 27, 2007

Come out of it ...dont snap .....

Think of all the people who have touched your life , remember the good parts and let go of the bad parts , Keep trying to widen the net of people you know , force yourself to do what needs to be done and try your best not to think of those things which are beyond your control , don't make any decisions when you are emotional , try to calm yourself ..... the waves keep rising and falling ..sometimes life is as emotionally turbulent as that ...try to remember that once you get further from the shore the turbulence lessens while its safe to hold on to the shore ( depression ) letting go and going further ...letting go of mental barriers will help in bringing calmness ........


pourush said...

its an interesting contrast thts evident here..u prob paint first, to let it all go, n then objectively sit down..thts when the analytical in u surfaces..

if we were all to come togeher and talk about sins we've committed and problems we've faced, we would laugh at each other's lack of originality - kahlil gibran

PurpleDreams said...

hehehe thats some psycho analysis ....yes i have been accused of thinking too much at times