Friday, October 20, 2006

Pluto - Deplanetised

For the past few days i have been thinking - poor Pluto now deplanetised . For some time now scientists have debated if Pluto is big enough to be a planet . On 24th August 2006 , the International Astronomical Association passed a new definition of planet and whoa ....the furthest planet is simply chucked out . That too a lovely little planet with its own special quirks - at certain points its wierdly tilted orbit makes it closer to the Sun than Neptune .

Some people in a threat at had the following opinions


More than 300 scientists have signed a petition protesting the definition of “ planet” decided by the International Astronomical Union.


Not that there is any reason to expect astrologers to be consistent, but why is it that adding a planet changes things, but subtracting one doesn’ t?


The vote by astronomers on a sweeping reclassification of the solar system was described as a triumph of science over sentiment.


The astronomers' redefinition that demoted Pluto pretty much alters nothing, just as government officials often come up with redefinitions to try to make tough situations go away.

MY TAKE ON THIS is that things change ..and we get used to it dosent make a real difference if we call Pluto by another name n classify it as a dwarf .Soon we'll instinctively say "there are eight planets" without feeling even one percent strange . Cardinal principle of human life prepared to accept change .

I wonder if acceptin n liking go hand in hand ????

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