Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Hill Station Climate and Soggy Diwali

Its one of those days when u feel like rushing about and doin a lot of things or just pullin up a chair n curlin up to enjoy the cold .

Food , Shelter and then Belongingness ....Maslow said all these are the basic human needs ...well they sure r my major concerns as i contemplate changing from pg accomodation !!! He forgot to add space tho ......

To leave home n lead the vagabond life is an absolute must if one needs to appreciate " home sweet home " . In the last three years , ive changed four accomodations ...n now i feel like a true Gipsy ...boria bistar liya aur chal pade .

The mali ( gardner) had come today to do the rose cuttings ...nice day he chose ..plenty of moisture in the air . Sadly the poor babies had to be cut n now they r sittin in vases in my room . Wish they has got to see diwali ..maybe they wouldnt have liked it so much tho ..what with the smoke n noise .

The wind chime in my room looks like the one ive drawn ...but it has a dolphin hanging in the middle ...its tinkling today ....and reminding me how nice it is to be here . Even though im all alone , and have to leave in a few days .....

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